Advice From Cookies I've Eaten

~Forgiveness does not change the past, but it will enlarge the future~

~Take no risks with your reputation!~

~Respect for others is peace. Respect for yourself is happiness.~

~You cannot be lonely if you like the person you are alone with.~

~When things go wrong don't go with them.~

~Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will!~

~To ignore the facts doesn't change the facts.~

~Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility.~

~Live every day up to your expectations not others.~


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Starting things off with a BANG!

This is my first post and I guess it should be something worth reading!
On Wed. April 12th I was in an accident with a Ford 150 pickup truck. The truck won!!! No one was hurt (thank the Lord) just my pride! It was at about 8:00 AM as I was on my way to school.
When I was all done with the paperwork and the car had been loaded up on the tow truck it hit me (pun intended) that I had no way to get to school. So "lucky" me I was dropped off at school by the tow truck with my car on it, in front of the school so everybody could see. Joy! Nothing like announcing to everyone that you broke your boneheaded bone and sprained your pride all before breakfast!
My car has been officially deemed undriveable (whatever that means) because it seems OK to me it's just that the wheels are bent a little. Think that would make a difference? The cop did and after explaining it to me for 10 mins in his outside official voice I also (unwillingly) agreed. It has been totalled by the ins co. Apparently it is a unibody frame and since I bent just a little area of the car then all of the car is no good. If they say so!
I was sore for a couple of days, but everything is working out OK. I just hate to say goodbye to my cute little car!
It looks like it has a huge black bandaid! =)

You can't really tell from this picture, but the seat is pushed up. I could barely get the govebox open and then I couldn't get it shut at all. There is glass everywhere! =(

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